1. In 1968 I entered the healthcare industry as a hospital orderly out of Sherman High School. Two years later, I enrolled in a two-year radiological technology school and worked full-time in hospitals and clinics until I went to and graduated from Tabor College. Upon graduation, I was full-time pre-med at North Texas State University while working full-time as a hospital X-ray tech. I started Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, in March 1980. I've been a chiropractor ever since then. During that time, I've treated well over a thousand patients.
Please note that I have chosen to no longer be "licensed to practice" in Texas, California, and Tennessee, which means that I "legally" can't diagnose, treat the diagnosis, or accept insurance monies. Regardless, I will always be a Doctor of Chiropractic until I'm called Home, but for now, under God's Firmament, I'm a 74-year-old Christ-centered Healthier You Performance Coach.
Now, I'm going to share some key nutritional advice and healthcare tips that are foundational to helping you out any time you are alive. Let's start off with...
2. Other than trusting God in ALL things, the key aspect in your life should be to always strive to maintain - no matter what - a joyful, grateful, and forgiving attitude. Your attitude, gratitude, and forgiveness toward whatever comes at you are critically important in every aspect of your life, especially if you are in bereavement. Another key aspect is that you need to laugh at yourself and at appropriately funny things, as this is very healing for whatever has come upon you. If we fall short on any of these aspects, God will give us them when we ask Him and believe Him that He does. Those are several reasons why I wrote "Wanna Laff" for you. Please order a book for yourself and at least two or more for your loved ones. It will be a blessing to you and them in many ways.
3. LOCKDOWNS GreenMedInfo Dr. Ekberg Dr. Berg FrontLineDoctors Dr Zelenko Covid Vaccine MONKEYPOX SMALLPOX VACCINE Over 90% of all medical interventions lack evidence to support their use This destroys the "Spike Protein" For those of you who are not medically brainwashed, intellectually honest and not suffering from the vaccine, masks, social distancing cognitive dissonance then I want you to go to Amazon.com and in the search bar type in Vaccine Danger - Quackery and Sin by Edward Hendrie and purchase it. It's 1,095 pages revealing the most significant medical con job in history! ALSO, purchase the masterpiece, Turtles All the Way Down - Vaccine Science and Myth by Zoey O'Toole and Mary Holland. The medical cartel wants to know who is not fully “vaccinated”: To code you as a public enemy. Will you be pressured to comply? NEVER ME! I'm "code" Z28.310 - what's yours? Health comes from NO man, but it is the natural, God-given state of the body and mind — a consistent lifestyle — maintained by eating real, unaltered food, drinking lots of clean water, getting plenty of exercise, good sleep, and most of all; belief and trust and loyalty to Jesus Christ our Lord and our God our true and ONLY healer. Read # 38. The annual number of deaths caused by mistreatment and errors in US hospitals: 119,000 - ARTICLE Please subscribe to be better educated regarding your health freedoms: The Healthy American
4. There’s a powerful toxic emotion that will make you and keep you sick, and that is… bitterness. No medicines, pills, lotions, or potions can heal this sinful toxin of the spirit, body, and soul. If you are struggling with any symptoms regarding a health issue, then the underlying root cause may be bitterness. What is bitterness? It is anger, resentment, and disappointment at being treated unfairly. It is also a sin. The biblical definition of sin is found in 1 John 3:4, “Sin is the transgression of the law”. To sin is to transgress (disobey) or break, the Law of God; therefore, to become bitter is breaking the Law of God. So, to sin is to miss the goal or target: to fall short of what God expects of us. Think of sin as the opposite of righteousness. Righteousness is living within God’s just and right standards, while sin is failing to live by those standards by living by our own standards. Essentially, sin is making a decision—or living a lifestyle—that misses the mark and violates the law of God such as bitterness. Bitterness can be based on one incident or life circumstances. Persistent bitterness, when strong enough, will affect your physical health. When harbored for a long time, bitterness will forecast patterns of biological dysregulation (a physiological impairment that can affect metabolism, immune response, or organ function) and become an expensive, debilitating physical disease. And if bitterness is not uprooted quickly, it will overtake your body, soul, and spirit by growing into a full-grown garden of weeds that yields nothing but hurtful, destructive, and deadly life choices. You may have experienced some horrible events in your life and may think you have every reason to be bitter. However, this emotion does not hurt whoever offended you. It hurts you. It can kill you. It can also make those around you miserable. Suppressed anger (bitterness) can be a precursor to the development of cancer and also a factor in its progression after diagnosis. Anger (bitterness) frequently accompanies autoimmune diseases. Proneness to anger (bitterness) places middle-aged men and women at a greater risk for Coronary Heart Disease. Anger (bitterness) also initiates the stress response within the body, causing blood sugar levels to rise. To deal with the life-robbing emotion of bitterness, something is required of you to defeat this negative emotion — that something is forgiveness. When you forgive, the offending person or situation no longer has any power in or over your life. So, how do you defeat bitterness? The first step to overcoming bitterness is to recognize you have it. Acknowledge your emotions about the harm done to you and how they affect your behavior, and work to release them. The second step is to have a serious talk to God about it. The third step is to practice forgiveness first toward yourself, and then toward others. Choose to forgive the person who offended you. Move away from your role as victim and release the control and power the offending person and situation have had in your life. But the healing from your bitterness only truly comes from laying this sin of bitterness at the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, allowing Him to accept your repentance so you can move forward. Hebrews 12:15 puts the subject of bitterness into sharp focus by telling us to be Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Christ has shown us the way as the Apostle Paul tells us through the power of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 4:31-32 which tells us, Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Because of the forgiveness we have received in Christ, we must in turn forgive those who have sinned against us. But what if the pain is too deep? What if the damage caused by sin seems to be irreversible? How can we forgive? Romans 5:8 tells us that Christ died for us while we were still sinners! That is wonderful news to the believer in Christ, that even while we were enemies of God, Christ died for His children… you and me. Because of Christ’s redeeming work on the cross, we are able to let go of bitterness and readily extend the hand of forgiveness to ourselves and others because Jesus has reunited us back to the Father. When a man asked Jesus, “Which is the great commandment in the law?” He answered, You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-39). These two great commandments are a synopsis of God’s 10 Commandments (Exodus 20: 1-20). The first four commandments state how we are to love God. The last six commandments state how we should treat one another. Breaking any of these commandments is a sin. Bitterness is a sin that must be let go of immediately by confessing it to Him, forgiving others and yourself, and moving on in love to serve Him and others never again to return to being bitter. Healing from gender confusion and same-sex attraction: VIDEO and HERE
5. To greatly HARM your brain and your health, you’ll absolutely want to go with the Standard American Diet (SAD), which causes overeating - is filled with foods containing the wrong, or even fake, unhealthy, and deadly kinds of fats and hydrogenated oils - and those devilishly yummy junk, fast foods packed with excessive carbs and calories yet with little to no nutritional value that seriously increases the risk for intelligence decline as well as a huge list of life-shortening diseases. So, who profits from the SAD? Thank the Lord you, and I sure don’t. But here’s who does: the commercial food manufacturers - most of the medical profession because the sickness system needs sick people and sick people eat sick “foods” - the pharmaceutical cartel and drug monopoly - medical equipment manufacturing companies - Representatives and Senators who hold hands with the pharmaceutical monopoly under the table - and the U.S. Department of Agriculture which has a silent but powerful, vested interest in promoting and expanding the Standard American Diet. If you have "insulin resistance," and 70% of the population does, then check out this VIDEO Check out this eye-opening article regarding the 6 Cancer Fighting Foods. Rethink WHEAT THE FACTS about Cholesterol and heart disease. The true CARNIVORE diet video. Pros & Cons of the Carnivore diet. The Plant Free MD. There are LOTS of carnivore diet videos on YouTube you'll want to watch before considering these lifestyle diets. Regarding beef or any animal meat, I strongly advise getting your meats from companies such as THIS or THIS or THIS or THIS. Meat is absolutely essential for your health: ARTICLE. The most important nutritional key to your best health performance is NO colas, NO sugar, NO bread, and NO alcohol, and READ those food labels! Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar How to reverse insulin resistance and high blood pressure with diet: VIDEO
6. Read this: Most Comprehensive Study to Date: Omega-3 Reduces Heart Risks and WATCH this: THE ROOT CAUSE OF DEPRESSION
7. Your WAIST-TO-HIP RATIO (WHR) is a quick measure of fat distribution that may help indicate your overall health. Read on, then take measurements to discover where you are on the chart. Be sure to refer your loved ones to this page.
What does a person's waist-to-hip ratio say about their health?
Having a WHR of over 1.0 usually indicates an increase in the risk of developing conditions that relate to being overweight, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This may be the case even if other measures of being overweight, such as body mass index (BMI), are within the normal range.
The following NUMBERS show how you can classify your risk of being affected by weight-related health conditions:
Health Risk for Men: Low (0.95 or lower) Moderate (.096-1.0) High (1.0 or higher)
Health Risk for Women: Low (0.80 or lower) Moderate (0.81-.85) High (0.86 or higher)
Impact on Your Health
Research shows people who are “apple-shaped” are at a greater risk of certain health conditions than those who are “pear-shaped” (when the hips are wider than the upper body).
These health conditions include:
Cardiovascular disease: One study found that abdominal obesity increased the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Another study found that WHR predicted cardiovascular disease more effectively than BMI or waist circumference. A third study found that WHR is a better indicator of risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease than waist circumference alone.
Type 2 diabetes: A 2016 study found that an increased waist circumference was linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
Fertility: A 2002 study found that women with a WHR of over 0.80 have a lower pregnancy rate than those with a lower WHR, regardless of their BMI.
A 2006 study with almost 15,000 older people (75 years of age older) concluded that the "waist to hip ratio" is MORE important than how much you weigh. The researchers examined the relationship between waist-to-hip cardiovascular disease and premature death risks ratio and Body Mass Index (BMI - how we measure weight for height) and how many people died over the next 6 years.
As it turned out, WHR is much more accurate than BMI for predicting the risks of cardiovascular disease and premature death. In other words, it was "location, location, location" of fat that was most important - NOT how much you weigh.
More studies include related to WHR and Health Issues include:
A 2021 study found that WHR is an accurate tool for predicting hypertension.
A 2015 study showed that increased WHR is a better indicator than BMI for predicting complications in trauma patients.
A 2018 study shared that a high WHR significantly predicted death in women with heart failure.
A 2016 study found high WHRs associated with hypertension and diabetes.
The Health Benefits of Decreasing WHR
A 2020 study found that decreasing WHR by 5% significantly lowered the risks of developing chronic kidney disease in people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Measuring your waist-to-hip ratio: you need a tape measure and a calculator.
Here's how you do it:
1: Measure your waist at the smallest point - usually at the naval or just above it
2: Measure your hips at the widest, largest part
3: Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement (Waist Measurement ÷ Hip Measurement)
Your waist should be smaller than your hips. If your waist is bigger than your hips, you may have too much fat concentrated around the middle part of your body - something known as "intra-abdominal obesity". Intra-abdominal fat is bad for your health.
Measuring a person's WHR is a quick way to get an indication of:
1. Overall health
2. Obesity levels
3. Risk of weight-related health conditions
8. Take 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily if you can't be outside in the sunshine, especially from October through April. Take 10,000 IU at bedtime for insomnia. By the way, it’s pretty tough to overdose on Vitamin D3, as the short video explains. Risks of taking too much Vit. D VIDEO. Also, try as often as you can to get outside, especially if it’s a sunny day or even a partly sunny day. And try to be outside for at least 30 minutes at a time. Come May through September, I rarely take Vitamin D3 - except on prolonged cloudy or rainy days, and then I’ll take it just like I did back in October-April. You may want to look into purchasing a Sperti Vitamin D Lamp. Sperti also has a Vitamin D at-home blood test you may want to look into. Benefits of D3
9. If you need to bathe yourself in that over-the-counter toxic stuff, then I suggest you look at something toxic-free like VLCC Matte Look Sun Screen Lotion - SPF 30 from India. Also, check out the wonderful Coolibar clothing that protects you from harmful, prolonged sun exposure. The best water-resistant UVA & UVB protection: Sun Cream Tallow Butter
10. Take a Magnesium (video) supplement with your Vitamin D3. Magnesium is VITAL for the proper metabolism of Vitamin D3. Usually, a dosage of 300 mg per day will do. Keep in mind that magnesium can have a strong laxative effect. So, you may have to let your body acclimate to the dosage. Start with a dosage of 150 mg per day for the first week, then increase to 300 mg daily. By the way, taking magnesium will also keep your bones from getting weak from Vitamin D3 supplementation. NOTE: Magnesium deficiency can be induced by the very drugs meant to help heart problems. Some diuretics (water pills) cause the body to excrete both magnesium and potassium, as does digitalis. Common symptoms of magnesium deficiency include back and neck pain, muscle spasms, anxiety, panic disorders, Raynaud's spastic vessels, arrhythmia, fatigue, eye twitches, vertigo, and migraines. The green color of green vegetables is due to chlorophyll, a molecule containing magnesium. Avoid refined processed foods, especially white sugar, and white flour products, as most magnesium is removed. If you are magnesium-deficient, you may in turn be potassium-deficient, and no amount of potassium is going to correct this unless you are also getting enough magnesium. 80%-90% of the population is deficient in magnesium so get that magnesium.
11. I suggest taking at least 3,000 mgs. to 5,000 mgs of Vitamin C daily. Vitamin C proven to work for "covid" and the flu. Quercetin with Bromelain (500 mg for B and 250 for Q) two times a day on an empty stomach. Vitamin E at 200 to 600 IU per day. Vitamin A at 5,000 IU per day. Potassium Vitamin B1 VIDEO
12. Drink that WATER! Do NOT ever neglect drinking water. But how much? That depends on your lifestyle, your age, and your activity level. But here’s a really good rule of thumb: if you feel adequately hydrated on 64 ounces of water daily, go for it. If you feel overly hydrated (clear urine and frequent urination), cut back slightly. If you feel dehydrated (dark urine, headaches, infrequent urination), eight glasses may not be enough for you, so increase it accordingly. 64 ounces a day is a good baseline to start at. Remember that if you sweat a lot, you’ll need more water intake. I suggest you drink purified/filtered water. Lemon Water KIDNEY PROBLEMS? For the BEST explanations and natural treatments for HEALTH issues, subscribe to this channel on YouTube: Dr Sten Ekberg
13. YOUR brain is made of water and cholesterol. The brain contains 23% of all the cholesterol in the body. And the brain is approximately 75% water. A lack of either of these two things is dangerous — and the relationship between the two is related to overall brain health. A lack of cholesterol in the brain has now been linked to impaired brain function and Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease. But you need to know that brain efficiency, memory function, and attention span are all related to how much water and cholesterol your brain has at any moment. In animal studies, water quality has a pronounced effect on cholesterol-induced accumulation of Alzheimer's amyloid plaque. Drinking pure, clean water detoxifies the body, lubricates joints, suppresses appetite, helps with mood control, can help prevent headaches, prevents constipation, and prevents brain aging. To remove harmful chemicals from your tap water, you need either a reverse osmosis filtration system, a water distillation system, or a Berkey, as these will remove dangerous chemicals like fluoride from drinking water. But it's not just clean water that you need... it's more water. As you age — and I’m not talking about being 80 years old, but after your 20s — you need to drink more water to compensate for changes in your body’s temperature regulation. Still, even though almost everyone is dehydrated, most seniors are very dehydrated. That's because our thirst mechanism begins to fade with age. Even seriously dehydrated people will not drink water placed in front of them. I have to consciously drink water myself, and you should too. Unintentional dehydration is a plague on the world. Orthodox medicine focuses on the solid body, ignoring the solvent (water). Water is a critical nutrient that possesses a dominant metabolic role in ALL body's physiological functions. Most of us are not sick; we are thirsty. The "water cure" is not something the medical establishment is interested in. It’s way too simple, costs nothing, and is available to the whole population under God’s magnificent Firmament. Dehydration is a primary cause of disease, but it's completely overlooked. Or is it just omitted on purpose? Drinking more water, more than the "recommended" eight glasses a day, can do miracles for seniors and all ages. That's because water suppresses the appetite and helps the body metabolize stored fat. - Drinking enough water is the best therapy for fluid retention. To get rid of excess water, drink more water. - Overweight people need more water than thin people. - Water helps maintain muscle tone and helps prevent sagging skin. - Water helps rid the body of waste. Many seniors are constipated. A Warning: Diet drinks (video) contain water... but they have also been shown to erase your memories. A study at Boston University recently found that people who drank diet soda daily were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia compared to those who did not. Drinking just one diet soda per day causes brain shrinkage and brain fog. According to Sudha Seshadri, a professor of neurology at Boston University (BU) School of Medicine and a faculty member at BU's Alzheimer's Disease Center, it's not just getting rid of sugary drinks that help your brain health. "It looks like… substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners doesn't seem to help. Maybe good old-fashioned water is something we need to get used to."
14. Add ZINC to your regimen, but not too much. You need at least 25 to no more than 50 mg per day. Watch Dr. Zelenko's advice on vaccines and zinc in this life-changing VIDEO.
15. You do have a Chiropractor, don’t you? If you don’t, it’s critical that he or she be put at the very top of your health care provider’s list as a Chiropractor should always be the gateway to getting and maintaining health and well-being and is especially helpful if you are suffering from grief. Check out this chiropractic site's VERY informative, short videos. Start with The Beginners Guide to Chiropractic.
16. The second healthcare provider on your list should be a dentist who provides safe and biocompatible material choices while avoiding toxic substances like mercury, fluoride, BPA, and unnecessary radiation. Most people don’t realize how much the health of their mouth affects their whole body. Poor oral health leads to or worsens other serious health problems like cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory infections, and even heart attack and stroke. A healthy mouth is critical to achieving and maintaining whole-body wellness. You absolutely want a Holistic Dentist who focuses on the direct link between your oral health and the health of your entire body. A holistic dentist treats the causes of any oral health challenges you're facing. Simply treating symptoms is never enough, as your issues will resurface. So, find a holistic dentist who will also work with your chiropractor. Check out the Holistic Dentist site.
17. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: This is THE first line of defense in protecting your overall health and well-being. And the stomach, where hydrochloric acid (HCL) is produced, is particularly important. HCL breaks down the food you ingest and kills pathogens and toxins in your food. HCL is also a deterrent to parasites. It’s important to note that HCL begins to weaken after age forty. Medications, such as acid blockers for acid reflux, greatly interfere with HCL production and other digestive functions. Regardless of age, I highly recommend at least ½ to 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with a bit of water every day especially if you have a cold or the flu. I take it every morning first thing and at bedtime. I’ve gotten used, especially to “the taste”. I use Bragg's. Please know that it is an inexpensive way to replace supplemental hydrochloric acid. You’ll want to consult your Chiropractor for specialized digestive enzymes to fit your needs. In my travels, when I do a restaurant review, you'll usually see me take my digestive enzymes and hear me say that at least 80% of the immune system is in the gut. Your health is indeed dependent on the health of your digestive system. It’s often called your “second brain” or the “center of digestive intelligence.” This immune-intestine connection starts with our bodies being 90% bacteria. Yes, for every cell in your body, nine cells of bacteria live in and on your body. And most of that bacterium (intestinal flora) lives inside your intestinal tract. That’s why your intestinal flora's health is supreme to your body and that of your children. So, take careful care of your gut, and you'll greatly minimize getting the “flu” or any other dis-ease. BLOATING VIDEO
18. In the cold months, before bedtime, I use 3% hydrogen peroxide in a 30 ml Amber Glass Sprayer for Intranasal usage – the Snoot! Brand (I got it from Amazon). I simply take in a deep breath and use one squirt into my right nostril as I'm taking that deep breath and repeat for the left one. You'll experience a tingling or a slight "burning" sensation inside your nose, but don't worry, as it only lasts a few seconds and it's not harmful and healing. The virus tends to live in the nasopharynx for 10 days before causing respiratory problems and extreme inflammation. Hydrogen peroxide kills the virus nearly on contact. You can also use 1% food-grade hydrogen peroxide to do this. Also, you can gargle with it for 30 seconds to a minute and then spit it out. You can use 3% hydrogen peroxide in a portable micro-nebulizer: I got mine from Amazon. Go to YouTube and type in the search bar: hydrogen peroxide use in a micro nebulizer to learn more about this healthy way to treat upper respiratory problems.
19. If your nasal passages get dry, especially during the winter, then keep them moist because bacteria and "viruses" love dry places, so use a product such as XLear Nasal Spray and/or a Humidifier to keep them moist.
20. Regarding sleep (video) - You are more susceptible to disease when you aren't sleeping enough. Lack of sleep raises stress hormones and lowers immunity. Many folks are chronically sleep-deprived, and I believe their "diet" is mostly at fault. Reasons for poor sleep VIDEO How to SLEEP DEEPLY VIDEO I strongly recommend this mattress grounding pad
21. Got insomnia? Here are three effective techniques for you to try: 1 -The 4-7-8 breathing technique The 4-7-8 breathing technique, also known as “relaxing breath,” involves breathing in for 4 seconds through your nose, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling through your mouth for 8 seconds. This breathing pattern aims to reduce anxiety or help people get to sleep. Some proponents claim that the method helps people get to sleep in 1 minute. Do this approximately 8 times. 2: Jim Donovan, a professional musician and assistant professor at Saint Francis University, illustrates this next technique. He teaches a simple, life-changing, quick method to slow your brain down using rhythm. Watch this 12-minute video to fully explain this easy-to-learn technique. 3: Check out this O2Trainer that I use every day.
22. Regarding exercise: I suggest you avoid any gym membership, especially if you're over the age of 50 and especially if you're a Baby Boomer (born between 1946 and 1964), unless you enjoy the socialization. Generally, a gym should be avoided unless you're a full-time adventurer who uses national chain gyms for a quick workout and or mostly for a private, clean shower in a safe environment, therefore, I recommend Any Time Fitness. I encourage you to learn how to safely and effectively exercise in your home with or without weights. Regardless of your age, this is my top choice workout website for motivation, training in the home with or without weights, and nutrition tips.
23. Check out this site regarding stomach breathing and this one.
24. Regarding "grounding," which means walking barefoot on moist earth or sandy beaches and is also known as Earthing or grounding. It's done for better heart health, improved mood, and pain reduction, as these are some known benefits. To learn more, read about The Benefits of Being Barefoot Grounding products Grounding Mattress Toppers
25. Every morning, I have a protein, fruit smoothie that gets me through for about four hours until I need to eat a meal. I use a blender. The protein I use and highly recommend is Kachava or this one. I use two scoops of the protein powder, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, an organic banana, a whole (peel and all) organic lemon (take the seeds out), three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, then filtered water. I also add a scoop of Biotrust's Ageless Multi-Collagen with their Turmeric Protein Powder. All this, added together, makes for the best meal replacement I've found. Yes, it's all a bit pricey, but then again, so is being and staying healthy with the alternative of being unhealthy, which is way more expensive in every way possible and deadly. So, always invest in making and keeping yourself HEALTHY.
26. You may want to check out Chlorine Dioxide.
27. I'm a big fan of the health benefits of a far-infrared sauna - check out the benefits of that portable one and this one, and this one. If you're looking for organic cotton clothing & Men's Cotton Underware & Womens's Organic Cotton Leggings
28. IF you’re into homeopathy, here are some pretty good remedies to keep on hand if you or your loved ones develop symptoms: Aconite can be very helpful at the beginning of an acute illness. As soon as a noticeable drop in energy or symptoms starts, take Aconite at 30 or 200C. Gelsemium for fatigue, body aches, and chills running up and down the spine. Dull, droopy feeling, and possibly trembling or shaking. A band-like headache may develop. Maybe bone-breaking-like pain, thirsty. Eupatorium perfoliatum for more intense body pain, back and body aches, sore skin and eyeballs, thirst, and restlessness from body pain. There may be intense, bone-breaking-like pain, which is worse lying on the back. Veratrum album for symptoms of weakness, chilly, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. I only suggest doing the following protocol if you feel you may have been exposed or will be exposed to a cold or the flu - Day one: Aconite 30 twice daily or 200 C once daily. Day two: Gelsemium 30C twice daily. Day three: Eupatorium perfoliatum 30C twice daily. Three days of the protocol should be enough. You can purchase homeopathic remedies from most health food stores and, of course, from a homeopathic doctor, a naturopathic doctor, and some chiropractors. Side NOTE: Shocker - the COVID "virus" does NOT exist - PROOF
29. However you can get some Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to take either or both when any flu-like, symptoms come upon you. Here's the WEBSITE that promotes these two valuable, highly effective items. Check out the graphically detailed results from the world’s largest study of Ivermectin for successfully treating “COVID-19”... which is simply the FLU! Also, check out AmericasFrontLineDoctors highly informative 2-minute videos.
30. If you are a user of ibuprofen, please read this article that will save your life: 6 Natural Ibuprofen Alternatives Backed by Clinical Research
As with many professionals, the specific requirements outlined often vary from state to state. Typically, chiropractors are required to have completed undergraduate pre-medical studies and obtained a bachelor’s degree prior to admission to a postgraduate chiropractic college. Each of the chiropractic colleges in the USA has undergone a meticulous evaluation process to become certified by the Department of Education as an accredited educational institution.
The amount of time that a chiropractic doctor spends at a specific chiropractic academic institution is impressive. In fact, a chiropractor has spent a minimum of 4,200 hours at a chiropractic college prior to receiving their diploma. This time is spent in the classroom, laboratory, and clinic learning about the various aspects of the chiropractic profession and health care in general. (Check out these demographics of chiropractic.)
In the classroom, the doctor focuses their studies on the subjects of anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, pathology, biochemistry, neuromuscular and orthopedic evaluation, pediatric and geriatric care, microbiology, nutrition, immunology, radiology, philosophy, and clinical research. While this may seem like a lot, all of this information is assimilated and tested prior to advancement to clinical work. Once the student has completed their academic work, they will typically spend a minimum of 1,000 hours at a campus clinic under the guidance of a clinic doctor. During this time the student will learn hands-on how to diagnose and treat patients in real clinical situations.
During a chiropractor's education, they will be tested through a number of different evaluations. Not only is the doctor subject to evaluation by their chiropractic college, but they must also pass a series of intensive national board examinations. Chiropractors practicing in the United States are required to have passed a series of four national board exams that evaluate them on their understanding of the basic sciences, clinical sciences, physiological therapeutics, diagnostic imaging, case management, and clinical competency. In addition to these requirements, following graduation and completion of rigorous national board examinations, each chiropractor must become certified by their state licensing agency.
The completion of these standards is not the end of the educational journey for chiropractic doctors. Depending on the state, each chiropractor is required to complete additional approved coursework at designated times following their licensure. For example, Tennessee requires a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education every two years following graduation.
After reading the above information, it is safe to say that a chiropractic doctor knows far more about your health than just treating your back. To help understand this it is useful to compare a chiropractor’s education to other members of the health care community. Since many people are familiar with medical doctors, let’s compare their educational background with that of a chiropractic doctor. For starters, the typical chiropractic student will have completed a total of approximately 2,419 hours of academic work prior to the initiation of clinical studies. In comparison, the majority of medical students will have completed somewhere around 2,047 hours of study. Further, while each healthcare discipline has its strengths, chiropractic students undergo more hours of study in the fields of anatomy, embryology, physiology, neurology, biochemistry, nutrition, diagnosis, x-ray, and orthopedics. In contrast, medical practitioners have zero hours in diet and nutrition, but they have more classroom hours studying the subjects of pathology, psychology, pharmacology, and obstetrics.
When analyzing these numbers, it is important to understand that while differences exist, each of your doctors has undertaken and completed a similar core education. In addition, it is important to remember that each different kind of doctor (even in the same healthcare discipline) possesses various strengths to compensate for other healthcare professionals’ weaknesses and utilize a different approach to healing the body. In the end, finding the doctor who understands your needs and has the tools to provide you with the most appropriate care is what is important to you.
There is an elite group of chiropractors who are brain-based rather than pain-based. The brain coordinates every function in our entire body. The CAUSE of any patient’s health issues or pain starts with poor brain function. Pain hurts, but stress kills.
According to numerous experts including the NIH, the cause of over 90% of all diseases is STRESS. More specifically it is the inability of the brain and nervous system to adapt to and recover from stress. It is the cause of OVER 90% of all diseases! This includes not only pain but also sleep issues, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, headaches, hormonal issues, reproductive issues, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, autoimmune issues, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, and so much more!
In addition, it is estimated that 90% of anyone you know is suffering from an overstressed brain and nervous system. 90%!!! Most of them are just covering up symptoms with medications because they don’t know what else they can do while damage to their brain continues.
These elite chiropractors use a diagnostic tool known as the Neuroinfiniti. It’s a noninvasive procedure that takes about 15 minutes to determine in time how the person’s brain adapts to and recovers from stress. It measures brainwaves, respiration, heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature, galvanic skin response, and muscle tone. With this valuable information, the brain-based elite chiropractor now has the exact roadmap to improve the person’s brain function by providing the correct care for that specific person’s brain and nervous system patterns. Therefore, a host of health issues are often resolved over time.
The chiropractic profession has been dealing quite well with the effects of physical (trauma), chemical (toxins), and emotional (thoughts) stress for over a hundred years. Yet, today’s understanding of stress and its effect on the brain and nervous system is many times more than just a few decades ago. For example, here’s something that was not a part of our chiropractic vocabulary in the past but will be central to our chiropractic future: allostatic overload and stress resilience.
Allostatic overload is the point at which the nervous system can no longer adapt and regulate properly to handle the current amount of stress it’s experiencing. Many things influence this point of overload, and it’s different for everyone, but ultimately it’s a threshold that’s been crossed that will eventually lead to symptomatic ailments (brain storms).
Be it low back pain, neck pain, headaches or anxiety, depressive symptoms, and cognitive difficulties, all are signs that indicate that the nervous system is overwhelmed (overstressed) and, therefore, not performing as it should.
In today’s world, removing stress from our lives is difficult. Excessive stimuli from social media, mainstream media, political unrest, economic struggles, and worldwide conflicts overstimulate our nervous system. Completely removing these sources of stress is not a simple endeavor.
So where does that leave us? With stress resilience. Stress resilience is a person’s ability to cope with and recover from stress, an excellent indicator of health. High-stress resilience is generally associated with better overall health and well-being.
In the past, almost all chiropractic treatments were driven by treating pain and symptoms. Yet the “now” of chiropractic will target issues upstream, much closer to the source, the cause, which lies in the brain and nervous system. A group of brain-based doctors use a Stress Response Evaluation (SRE) with the Neuroinfiniti to monitor and evaluate how clients respond to stress and, often more importantly, how well they recover.
Whether medical or chiropractic, there is no question that the focus of healthcare in the future will be strengthening and supporting a patient’s brain and nervous system – and, ultimately, their stress resilience.
> What people think chiropractic is: getting “cracked” and treatment for back pain.
> What chiropractic actually is: improves function, restores balance, reconnects mind & body, improves performance, improves neuroregulation, strengthens the immune system, and improves cognitive function.
32. Healthcare should be all about health and wellness and the freedom to take care of YOUR body - or not - as you see fit; seeing the “doctor” of YOUR choice for that; having access to proper supplements - or chemical “medicinal” agents if you so desire - that YOU want and NOT what fascist public/private insurance scheme government agents want to force you into. A healthy populace is less expensive than an unhealthy one. So the government will always seek to modify people’s behavior – presumably in order to ensure their “health”, but the reality is to keep healthcare costs low. These are not the same thing. The government wants a say over what you eat and how you live, as well as whether or not you even qualify for certain treatments, and whether or not you live or die, so that they can get rid of the non-producers and continue collecting taxes (transferring wealth) from the producers to the elites and their lapdogs. To enforce the government’s idea of a "healthy diet," “they” regularly ban products such as raw milk which is extremely healthy. Eventually, “Food Police Nazis” will regularly inspect your refrigerator and pantry to make sure you are eating “properly.” If the Food Police Nazis deem you have too much “unapproved” food in your house, expect hefty fines and punishment: loss of job, doubling of taxes... whatever can be done to ensure compliance. Does it seem odd to you that “progressives/liberals/abortionists (murderers)” insist that women are to have the “freedom to control their own bodies” when it comes to murdering babies, yet specifically do not want anyone to have control over their own bodies when it comes to addressing “COVID” - an unproven “virus” with flu-like symptoms? When Big Brother is in charge. Nothing is private, and nothing - not even your own body - is yours. They will NEVER be honest about the fact that if you had to pay doctors out of your pocket, standard medicine would have to produce something besides a palliative. To get serious healthcare in America today, one has to avoid the “consensus of medical opinion” and seek out alternative medical care wherever it can be found. If you keep listening to the extremists... that means modern medicine and the nutritionists - who will endlessly tell you what to eat and what not to eat at any time of the year but especially during the holiday seasons, as if “they” know anything except what standard medicine allows - and dieticians, you'll never get off the disease-producing treadmill. Would you like to get off this treadmill to nowhere? Start first with a chiropractor - one who focuses on the brain. Second, find a naturopath that has a strong reputation. You find these alternative doctors mostly by word of mouth, so start asking around for these holistic healthcare professionals. Being in poor health prevents you from reaching your potential and, doing all that God has called you to do in the life He has given YOU.
It is important to remember that COVID was a Chinese lab leak, masks don’t work – never have and never will, mandates didn’t work and in fact, helped destroy the economy, vaccines were never needed in people who had COVID, nor children, closing schools was a human rights violation, masking kids didn’t work and in fact is criminal (child abuse), vaccine mandates were unethical and in fact criminal, vaccine passports were and will always be useless, boosters don’t have good data and in fact are dangerous just as all vaccines are, Paxlovid doesn’t have good data and in fact is dangerous, “long COVID” is overblown. The criminals at the CDC and the WHO lie repeatedly, and all the employees at the CDC and elsewhere who told us to put cloth masks on 2-year-olds should be fired for stupidity and jailed for criminal assault.
Being a healthy Boomer also means you get out and play with the baby goats.
33. In 1939 while Hitler was attacking Poland with military warfare, in the United States the FDA declared biological warfare on the American people by making it mandatory to add synthetic vitamins to white flour, which became known as "enriched" flour.
The history books are full of details of Hitler's invasion, but not one word of the biological warfare here at home. Hitler's war ended. Biological warfare against the American people is still going on. This is a war of processed foods, chemical preservatives, and sweeteners. Then when we get sick and debilitated, we are subjected to the drug warfare of the medical establishment.
With what result? With the most expensive medical system in the history of the world, we are at an all-time high in deaths due to heart disease, cancer, and stroke. The American people are helpless, sick, and weak. They have been sold into dependence on government and science and the choices offered to them at "the grocery store." Our immune function is getting weaker and weaker. Why else would so many become vulnerable to a virus that should have been no worse than a common cold, and in fact, has the same root (coronavirus)? The answer is malnutrition.
Few people are aware that the greatest crisis of the past century, the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918 that killed 25 million people, was a malnutrition disease.
The Western world had exhausted itself in WWI for four years. The total effort on both sides was toward producing and transporting war materials. Consequently, there was no transportation for fresh fruits and vegetables to the population. People were living on meat, canned foods, and other processed foods. The Flu spread through weak and malnourished people like a prairie fire. Eighteen million people died in the United States.
So the war was stopped. Fresh produce was rushed to market. Suddenly, the Spanish Flu epidemic ended as quickly as it had started.
Today we are in the same condition. We are malnourished, and our resistance is down. Nobody feels hunger, but there is famine in our land. People are overweight and weak, but nobody recognizes that the problem causing so much degenerative disease is actually starvation. Starvation for nutrition is starvation. However, science and medical trust has not defined starvation as malnutrition. Bacteria and infection do not feed upon healthy people.
Heart disease and cancer are nutritional deficiency diseases and silent starvation. Before 1918 and the widespread use of white-bleached flour, there was no mention of heart attack as a disease. But today, after decades of chemical farming and replacing steak and eggs with grains for breakfast, we are a people on nutritional starvation. Biological warfare, under any other name, would be no worse.
Today, our situation is worse because healthy fats have been replaced by oils like rapeseed oil and soybean oil (not the healthy part of the soybean, but the rancid, leftover throwaways added to our food as "filler").
Ever since Ancel Keys' flawed study in the 1950s that mistakenly suggested animal protein had a strong positive correlation with heart disease, the fix has been in against natural fat, engendering further biological warfare against regular Americans.
Some few in the scientific community are coming around. In a new analysis published in the journal Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes and Obesity, the author states: "Recent findings include shortcomings in the scientific review processes on saturated fats, for both the current 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the previous edition (2015–2020). Revelations include the fact the 2015 Advisory Committee acknowledged, in an e-mail, the lack of scientific justification for any specific numeric cap on these fats. Other, previously unpublished findings include significant potential financial conflicts on the relevant 2020 guidelines subcommittee, including the participation of plant-based advocates, an expert who promotes a plant-based diet for religious reasons, experts who had received extensive funding from industries, such as tree nuts and soy, whose products benefit from continued policy recommendations favoring polyunsaturated fats."
►The large clinical trials on saturated fats do not provide support for the idea that these fats cause heart disease.
►The most rigorous evidence on saturated fats, showing they did not cause heart disease, was long suppressed or ignored.
►The current 10% cap on saturated fats, as advised by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, is not supported by the evidence.
The supposed "medical benefits" of avoiding fat were simply all in the commercial interests of Big Agriculture and its partner in promotion, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Did you know it is their mandate to promote U.S. agriculture? It is decidedly not their wish to protect or promote your health.
For decades, ads touting lots of processed cereals that "Mother Nature" (i.e., Big Agra) processed and packaged have been very effective. They tell you that these foods are considered a wholesome solution for disease. Are they?
Your body has built-in mechanisms for defeating viruses, preventing high blood pressure, and for protecting against strokes, heart attacks, and disease. And it doesn't involve starving your body of nutrients by eating fat-free or a grain-based diet or denying yourself the good things we all enjoy about living in modern times.
According to the anti-fat crowd, the American Heart Association, and many health practitioners, the upcoming holidays are a health disaster. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
Our tastes naturally guide us to food that's good for us. Unless humans were starving, they didn't eat grains because grains don't taste good. Grains are hard, gritty, tasteless, and difficult to digest without processing, forage for vegetables, fruit, and nuts,t. Even chocolate is bitter until you add sugar to it.
We were created to hunt for meat; forage for vegetables, fruit, and nuts; and supplement with fibrous grains that help our digestion.
Vegetables are a great source of fibrous carbs. They slow the conversion of starchy carbohydrates into glucose. That's important because it also slows your body's release of insulin.
Fruits, nuts, and seeds are good as well. You can eat all these in their natural form, and they are all good carbs. An amazingly fresh meal uses ham, lamb, turkey, and meatballs. Balanced with fiber and fruit, protein and fat, good carbs, and natural sugar, the whole package is mouthwatering for a reason. Your body wants to eat it! It's good for you! This is your body's mechanism for defeating disease. Here's a helpful food chart: CHART
34. YOU CAN’T BEET THIS FOR HEART HEALTH: Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is more commonly known as angioplasty with a stent. It's performed when doctors tell you that you'll die because you don't have enough blood flow to your heart because your arteries have become narrowed or blocked due to clots or plaque buildup. So, the surgeon takes you into a cath lab at the hospital where they thread a thin catheter up your leg and to the problematic artery to place a tiny mesh cage that props open the blood vessel so the blood can flow properly. Sounds like a miracle of modern science, right?
Well, not exactly. Evidence is emerging that this procedure and others are not only riskier than thought, but they're also not the miracles they would have us believe. They come with a very real danger...
It turns out that patients who get a coronary stent end up with an increased risk of cardiac complications during and after other types of surgeries — even ones that are not heart-related. This is especially true if they have surgery soon after a PCI procedure and why surgeons are supposed to warn them against any surgery (unless emergency) for at least one year following the PCI.
But in one study, out of 221,000 patients who received a cardiac stent, 3.5% of them went back for a non-cardiac surgery within the six-month time frame (41% of which were elective). According to Dr. Nathaniel Smilowitz of NYU School of Medicine, “Non-cardiac surgeries early after placement of a coronary stent were associated with poor outcomes, and with an 8% risk of heart attack or death during the hospital stay.”
One reason surgery following a cardiac stent is so dangerous often comes down to the blood thinners patients are made to take. When these medications are stopped prior to the second surgery to prevent bleeding, inflammation in the blood vessels can rise, resulting in clots inside the stent and causing a heart attack.
Even more, data recently came out that questions the benefit of these procedures for people with stable heart disease. That includes about 17 million Americans who have clogged arteries and experience chest pain that could possibly lead to a heart attack, though the risk is considered to be low. People in this group are often advised to have invasive procedures as a "preventative" to avoid heart attack. In some cases, it merely relieves chest pain. But is it a good idea?
In a $100 million dollar study approved by the U.S. government, doctors tracked study participants for major heart events like heart attacks, heart-related deaths, cardiac arrest, or hospitalization for worsening chest pain or heart failure. After the first year, 7% of the people who received heart procedures experienced one of those events. However, only 5% of people in the drug/lifestyle treatment group did.
After four years, however, the tables turned. 13% of people who got procedures experienced serious heart events and 15% of people in the drugs/lifestyle group did. Basically, it became a wash. The risk evened out, and researchers went away with a clear message: Heart procedures don't seem to help people with stable heart disease avoid heart attacks any differently than their drugs or even lifestyle changes do.
This science clearly shows that heart surgery shouldn't be an option. Will more doctors be less enthusiastic about sending patients to surgery or the cath lab for prevention and more likely to suggest less invasive treatments? I think you know what I think about that, but you can make your own decision.
What's important is to realize that the alternative to surgery might be what keeps you from dying due to heart problems. We don't want to simply hope that modern medical science can fix things after vessel damage has occurred. You can eat heart healthy of which the CARNIVORE Diet IS very heart healthy.
If you don't want to do the Keto or Carnivore Diet (see #5) eat beets or add beetroot juice to your daily routine since it helps increase nitric oxide production to widen arteries. I recommend Peak Organic Fermented Beets made with a proprietary fermented beet powder that contains twice the normal nitrates as regular beet powder for superior nitric oxide production. Scientists discovered that beet powder concentrate helps to open up blood vessels and improve blood flow to all the body's tissues, including connective tissues for joint relief. “We're talking about an amount of nitrate equivalent to what is found in two or three red beets,” said Eddie Weitzberg, co-author of a study on beetroot and oxygenation.
35. Are you or a loved one SUFFERING from allopathic syndrome? There’s a CURE:
Prescription medications, since their conception in the early 1900s, were designed to quell or eliminate pain and/or symptoms of sickness but were never meant to cure anything. By the mid-1900s, vaccines were concocted to con people into believing that infectious diseases could be totally prevented and wiped away, so everyone would be “saved” from polio, smallpox, and many others. Medical doctors were trained and paid handsomely to push pills, surgery, and vaccines in a new, revolutionary Western medicine era where lab “technology” was the savior, and natural medicine was only for quacks, Indians, and hippies.
This is the era of allopathic medicine, and there have never been more chronically sick people with access to modern medical “treatments” in the history of the Earth.
Most vaccines contain deadly chemicals that cause cancer,
neurological disorders, and weakened immune system functions
The main goal of medical doctors in the USA is NOT to heal you of sickness, but to keep you as a lifelong patient, who needs them when the pain and symptoms from deep-rooted illness rears its ugly head. This is why MDs and DOs rarely, if ever, offer nutritional advice to their patients.
If the patient is cured of illnesses by eating whole organic foods and the patient builds long-lasting natural immunity, then repeat business goes out the window and these MDs can’t live the luxurious lifestyles to which they’re all accustomed. NOTE: at least 50% of all medical doctors are overweight or obese. And none of them ever address obesity or being overweight with their patients. If your medic is in that percentage... STOP going to them! Find someone who is fit.
Allopathic Syndrome begins and ends with a bad diet. Clogged blood vessels, lack of proper nutrients, and boatloads of chemicals in processed foods set up the “bowling pins” for the “strike,” which often comes in the form of a heart attack, stroke, or cancer siege.
Most beverages sold in America fuel Allopathic Syndrome because they contain added sugars, artificial sweeteners, oils (yes they do), synthetic hormones and antibiotics (think conventional milk and coffee creamers), artificial flavors, artificial colors, and other lab-made concoctions that fuel chronic inflammation, headaches, lethargy, obesity, arthritis and osteoporosis.
That brings us to the insecticide called fluoride that’s put in tap water and toothpaste purposely and for evil reasons (lowers IQ, and causes cancer and brittle bones). This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the toxins that most Americans never try to filter out of their daily intake, and their medical doctors and surgeons have nothing to say about it.
That’s why it’s called Allopathic Syndrom. A syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms that are all correlated and associated with disease and disorder. In fact, the word syndrome comes from a Greek word that means concurrence since a syndrome can be grouped with definite causes and eventually become a disease.
The Top 10 "Key Components" to the Perpetuation of Allopathic Syndrome
Covid jabs are the "nails in the coffin" for those suffering from Allopathic Syndrome
Look no further than the FDA and CDC for the worst advice that not only causes and perpetuates Allopathic Syndrome but for vaccine mandates and COVID protocols that put the nails in the coffin, literally, for millions of Americans. People think invasive medical procedures and prescription drugs are the ONLY way to “maintain” their quickly eroding health, and most of them just want to kill the pain, not themselves, but tragically... little do they know.
The COVID-19 vaccines are designed to catapult those preexisting “conditions” (Allopathic Syndrome) by clogging the blood, straining the heart, causing new cancers, and breaking down the nervous system. Even people in Congress are blowing the whistle on the allopathic syndrome injections. There is absolutely NO reason to ever get a "covid" vaccine.
The Covid-vaxxed sheeple are suffering a new kind of chronic inflammation and immune system dysfunction like never before. The cure is to begin filtering all these toxins from your life. Ask a Chiropractor or a naturopathic physician for advice. Improve your exercise routine. Eat a plant-based, whole, organic, raw food regimen mostly. Drink filtered, safe, clean water. Ramp up your organic supplements.
If you or a loved one is suffering from Allopathic Syndrome, contact a Chiropractic or naturopathic physician right away. A consultation could work wonders for the changes needed to escape the syndrome. Visit Censored.news for huge amounts of truth news that’s being censored from the rest of the media and therefore ...YOU.
Sources for this article include:
36. 7 Conditions Masquerading as Dementia ... READ HERE
37. Chiropractors I would refer you to: Dr. Sten Ekberg - Any on this TruChiro List
38. Do you truly want to be healed? Seriously, do you truly want to be HEALED? Are you absolutely willing to detox your body from all the chemicals you've put on and in your body? That means things such as sunscreens, chemically enhanced commercial soaps, and shampoos, toothpaste containing fluoride, deodorants containing aluminum, fluoride-infused tap water, radiation from heating food in a microwave, eating food cooked with Teflon-coated non-stick surfaces, eating processed foods, fried fast junk foods, drinking sodas, diet sodas and "energy" drinks, consuming sugar and bread, watching the mainstream media news, vaccines, antibiotics, trips to the medical doctors? Are you willing to CHANGE your eating habits and embrace something totally different like I address in #5? Know this: GOD gave your body the ability to heal itself IF you give it the correct corrections! IF your body is not healing itself, there is something you are doing that is working against you. To heal, you must FIRST search the depths of your soul for anything in your past and present for which you have NOT repented that displeases God, that breaks HIS Commandments and HIS Doctrines. THEN search yourself for ANY circumstance where you have NOT forgiven someone else or yourself. You MUST first deal with those matters of repentance and forgiveness to GOD for however long it takes you... followed by a plea to HIM of wanting to be healed of whatever it is in the name of Jesus. NOTE: your healing will never come from making payments or co-payments to someone who practices medicine while putting your faith in "men". Healing is NOT the hope of finding a chemical or several combinations of chemicals that will only mask your symptoms with prescriptions for the rest of your life while the root problem(s) still exists. Your healing isn't going to come from an invasive surgery known to bring other complications as a result. HEALING means to "set back to its original state." NO surgery, pill, lotion, or potion can perform that! To reset yourself you MUST first deal with your spiritual state, then your mental state, and then your physical state... and it must be IN THAT ORDER, or you will NOT receive your "healing"! IF you are ready to receive your healing here is something I want you to do: order from Amazon the book, "Confusion in Christianity - Decoding the Doctrines" by Miguel Stephano. Read his chapter on faith and healing beginning on page 101 to page 125. What I wrote above is from that chapter. He greatly confirmed the same things that I'd been "preaching" and teaching since 1980. You'll discover in that chapter how he got healed from an ailment that was killing him. I will caution you that your preconceived notions about your religion from your pastors, Sunday School teachers, et al will be challenged in his other chapters! I also want you to go to FOJC and click on the blue links to their podcast which is on Brighteon, the Doctrine of Christ series, and their Midnight Ride series as well as all their other links, but those three in particular. When you go to that podcast link be sure to subscribe so as to get updates.
39. Think upon these TRUTHS:
Covid Testing = False Positives
Vaccines = False Immunity
Masks = False Protection
Isolation = False Living
Drugs = False Reality
Religion = False Hope
lbgtiqa+ = False Being
Celebrities = False Idols
Alcohol = False Confidence
Fiat Currency = False Money
Materialism = False Happiness
Brand Names = False Identity
Video Games = False Activities
Big Pharma = False Medicine
TV & Movies = False Experiences
Dating Apps = False Relationships
Medical Profession = False Healing
Medical Schools = False Teachings
Public Education System = False Knowledge
Mainstream News Media = False Information
Politicians, DC & The Federal Government = False Promises
Porn / Sex outside of heterosexual marriage = False Intimacy
NM, CA, CO, OR, WA, MD, NY, NJ, MA, CT, RI, DE, VT, IL, MN, HI = False States
Soft drinks, diet drinks, energy drinks, Processed foods, SAD, GMO’s = False Nutrition
NASA, Evolution, Virology, Heliocentric Earth, Climate Change, Environmentalism = False Sciences
Globalists, Corporatists, Federal Reserve, Lobbyists, Authoritarians, Royalty = False Mankind
Racism, Religion, Social Justice, BLM, CRT, IRS, Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, Wokeness = False Ideas
fauci, gates, clintons, obamas, bidens, bezos, schwab, soros, zuckerberg, the pope, political parties, World Health Organization = False Prophets
Jesus Christ = The ONLY Way, The Only Truth and The Only Life
> JESUS: IS TRUTH. IS a relationship. LOVES His friends. Shed His Blood on the cross for His chosen ones. Is the Savior of the elect. Desires to heal you. Stills you. Reassures you. Leads you. Enlightens you. Forgives you. Calms you. Encourages you. Patient with you. Comforts you. Extends mercy and grace to you. Gives you HIS wisdom. Even when the world seems out of control, God works all things for and to HIS glory. Walk in His ways and fear God so that you will not sin. Heaven awaits His faithful, righteous, obedient followers with a new body for an eternity of unimaginable beauty, joy, peace, fellowship, adventures, and the glorious worship of God our Creator.
> Satan: Is the epitome of FALSEHOOD. Is the religion and politics of the world. Is your destroyer. Wants your blood. Muzzles you. Drugs you. Isolates you. Rushes you. Frightens you. Pushes you. Confuses you. Condemns you. Stresses you. Deceives you. Discourages you. Worries you. Bullies you. Lies to you. Gaslights you. HATES you. Gives you depression and anxiety. Requires you to embrace and worship all of the things of the world, the flesh and him so as to make your life a living hell now. Walk in the ways of Satan so that you will not repent of sin. Hell awaits Satan and his sinful, unfaithful, unrighteous followers who will be grossly deformed, isolated with demons in darkness and horribly tormented for an eternity of fiery, unimaginable, unspeakable terror.
> Who is the one who wants you to wear a mask, get the vaccines, and isolate yourself? <
40. Vaccine and Mask articles & videos you need to know about:
> If you don't take the "jab" you are assigned a medical "code" that will keep you from receiving any treatments: HERE
> MASKS do NOT prevent anything and are worthless to wear: HERE and HERE
> Free people do NOT wear masks! HERE and HERE
> Give up the "Flu Shots": HERE
> PFIZER is a criminal organization: HERE
> "COVID" shots induce sudden cardiac deaths: HERE
> Vaccines and the Sign of the Beast: VIDEO
> PFIZER trial data reveal a 400% increased risk of death post-jab: HERE
> NEVER get the "vaccines" IF you want to become pregnant: HERE
> The medical profession is knowingly guilty of vaccine injuries and the vaxx deaths they've caused: VIDEO HERE
> PROOF the "covid" vaccines are worthless and in FACT are dangerous: HERE
> The media is NOW reporting on a study that shows prior infection is just as good as (or better than) the vaxx: HERE
41. While there is NO law (nor there ever can be) that requires you to self-suffocate by wearing the demonic "face diaper" or "slave muzzle", many who are working in shops, restaurants, doctors' offices, and other places of “public accommodation” don’t care about your rights or your health. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attempt to educate them. The info Peggy Hall of The Healthy American has below barely scratches the surface of the literally hundreds of videos and hundreds of pages of handouts she's created for us over these past few years to help us stand up for our rights and against the sheeple and moronic medical tyrants.
75 Ways to Say “Stuff It!” when someone tells you to wear a mask (face diaper:
>SCENARIO #1: “Excuse me, you have to wear a mask in here.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear a word you’re saying. Please remove that thing from your face so I can hear what you’re saying.”
“Oh, I wish I could – but my doctor told me not to because it might cause me to die. Do you want me to hold you responsible for my death?”
“Oh, I wish I could, but I’m in the non-mask control group for this clinical trial, and if I wear a mask, I’ll mess up the results. Do you want me to mess up the results of this important study?”
“Religious exemption – protected by law!”
“I am medically exempt from this policy.”
“I’m unable to do so because wearing one will cause me to pass out. Do you have insurance for that? If so, would you show me the insurance binder to prove that?”
“The health dept has issued me an exemption. Are you going to go against the health dept?”
“I have a legal medical exemption. Do you want me to violate the law?”
“I only take medical advice from my doctor. Are you a licensed doctor, too?”
“It is against my religion to cover the only two airways that God provided for breathing.”
“My right to breathe comes first. Does your request override the constitution?”
“It is against my religion to commit suicide by cutting off my airflow.”
“Can you show me your medical license that authorizes you to dispense medical advice?”
“Can you show me the law that requires that?”
“I’m not sick. Do you have proof that I am?”
“No court has ordered me to wear a mask, so I don’t have to do so. Do you have a court order that requires me to do so?"
“I just got tested, and I’m negative, so the doctor told me I don’t have to wear one.”
“I don’t support mass genocide and global depopulation.”
>SCENARIO #2: “The governor mandated masks.” “It’s an emergency.” “The governor has emergency powers.” “The health department ordered it.” “The county/city requires it.”
“No governor can make a law.”
“No mayor can make a law.”
“No health officer can make a law.”
“No store manager can make a law.”
“There is no emergency.”
“No emergency suspends the law.”
“What is the penal code for this mask requirement? What exactly would be the violation?”
“Oh, when did the legislature give law-making authority to the governor?”
“The health department can’t make laws. These are guidelines only.”
“Guidelines are like suggestions. They are not enforceable by law.”
“The health department has exemptions, and I’m legally exempt.”
“Show me the law that requires me to follow any governor’s orders.”
>SCENARIO #3: “Our store policy requires it.”
“Would you show me that policy in writing, please?”
“So your store doesn’t have to follow the law?”
“Oh good, so that means I can shoplift in here because you don’t abide by the law?”
“Your store policy only applies to your employees, not to me.”
“So if I’m in a wheelchair, you can refuse me service because it’s your store policy?”
“Your store policies are illegal if they are in violation of the law.”
>SCENARIO #4: “Our mask policy applies to everyone, so we’re not discriminating.”
“Yes, you are, because I can’t wear one. That is the very definition of discrimination.”
“So you can require everyone to eat pork, including Muslims?”
“So you can require everyone to walk inside the store, including someone in a wheelchair; therefore, it is not discrimination?”
“So you can require everyone to take their hat off, including a Sikh wearing a turban, even though he has the lawful right to wear clothing as part of his religious expression?”
“Are you aware of the legal exemptions to the mask guidelines, that you are required to follow?”
“Are you aware that your refusal of entry constitutes false imprisonment, and you can be charged and arrested for this crime?”
“Are you aware that you can be personally liable for preventing me from shopping here, as it is a violation of my personal liberty and civil rights?”
>SCENARIO #5: “We put the health and safety of our employees and customers first.”
“That’s good because I don’t want to get sick from people wearing germ-filled masks.”
“What evidence do you have that am I a threat to the health and safety of others?”
“The only way I can be deemed a “direct threat” is if there is a court order, of quarantine or isolation or restraint against me. Do you have a court order of quarantine against me?”
>SCENARIO #6: “We offer curbside pickup.” “We can shop for you.” “You can shop online.” “We offer Instacart.”
“Why are you offering me the special accommodation? I’m not the one who is sick.”
“Are you aware that you are required by law to allow me equal access to the goods, services, and facilities in the most integrated setting possible? Why should I be the one that stays outside? Nothing is wrong with me. Do you have a court-ordered quarantine order against me?”
“Why don’t you make the ones wearing the dangerous germ-filled masks stay outside, since they are the ones living in fear? They are the ones that need the accommodation, not me.”
>SCENARIO #7: “This is a private business, Constitution and we can ask you to leave.”
“Yes, this is a private business that is engaged in commerce and is open to the public. Don’t you know the legal definition of a public accommodation?”health
“As a member of the public, I have a legal right to be here and be served just like anyone else. Don’t you know your refusal of service constitutes illegal conduct that you can be liable for?”
“Where is the evidence that I am disturbing the peace?”
“Where is the evidence that I am a direct threat to others?”
“What evidence do you have that I am trespassing?”
“Am I breaking and entering? Am I interfering with your business? Where is the evidence of my trespass or threat or danger?”
“Are you harassing me? Are you threatening me? Do I need to call the Sheriff for protection?
*NOTE: Call the Sheriff (not the police) if you are being threatened or harassed. This is the legal definition of assault, even if there is no physical harm to you.
*NOTE: Remain calm. Do not give them any reason to say you were disturbing the peace.
*NOTE: Start recording a video when your rights are violated.
*NOTE: Shop with another person so you have evidence of the interaction.
*NOTE: Don’t touch anyone or get aggressive.
>SCENARIO #8: “Your freedom ends when it intrudes on mine.”
“What freedom am I intruding on exactly?”
“Who am I oppressing?”
“What evidence is there that I am a threat?”
“What law states that I am responsible for your health?”
>SCENARIO #9: “People are dying!” “I have family members who died of Covid.” “People like you are the problem because you are not wearing masks.”
“The numbers are rising!”
“Doesn’t your mask work?”
“How exactly am I responsible for the deaths of your loved ones?”
“How are the numbers rising when there is no reliable test for this virus, which has never been isolated, so how can it be tested?”
“Where is the law that states I am personally responsible for your health?”
>SCENARIO #10: What to say and do if law enforcement is called on you for trespassing.
· Remain calm. Don’t get aggressive.
· Start recording when law enforcement arrives.
· Ask for the I.D. of the officer. Ask them to remove the mask so you can identify them.
· Leave the premises so you won’t get arrested for trespassing.
“Did you take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution?”
“Excuse me, officer, aren’t you required by law to identify yourself to me?”
“Would you remove your mask so I can see your face?”
“I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time hearing what you’re saying with that concealment device on your face. Can you remove it so I can understand what the charges are?”
“I’m feeling quite threatened since you appear to be armed with a weapon and you are concealing your identity at the same time. Am I mistaken, or is that a crime in this jurisdiction?”
“Can you tell me the penal code for the law I’m suspected of violating? Can you read that law to me so I understand it clearly?”
“Can you tell me what the evidence of trespass is? Where are the witnesses to this crime? Have you identified them and interviewed them for this charge?”
Officer: “It’s the governor’s orders.” “It’s an emergency.” “The city passed an ordinance.”
“The governor / mayor / health officer/ store manager can’t make laws.”
“Courts have ruled that no emergency suspends our personal liberty, including my right to peacefully assemble in a public place, such as this private business.”
“Unless there is a court, order of quarantine against me, I have the legal right to be in public, including this private business, which is legally defined as a public accommodation and therefore must serve me, as a member of the public, without discrimination or harassment.”
“Are you aware of U.S. Code Title 18, Section 242, which makes it a crime for you to willfully deprive any person of any right or privilege protected by the law of this state and the laws of the United States? And this crime is a felony, and you may be sentenced to a prison term?”
“Are you aware that U.S. Code Title 18, Section 241 makes it a crime for you and another, while concealing your identity, to conspire against my free exercise or enjoyment of my rights, and this is a felony, punishable by a fine and a prison sentence? Are you willing to risk that?”
VIDEOS: No Mask, No Service Here we go again (How NOT to comply) How to Shut Down the Maskers Immediately NEVER WEAR A MASK... EVER!
Masking Mistakes – Fall 2024 Edition by Joseph Marine, MD
Recent news reports indicate that several counties in Northern California will reinstate mask mandates for health care facilities starting November 1 running through March/April. The criteria for starting and ending the mandates have not been reported. The State of Maryland reinstated a health care mask mandate last winter based on the state reaching a threshold of 10 RSV/flu/covid hospitalizations per 100,000 population. Where this threshold came from is a mystery.
Proponents of such mandates argue that masking is a minor inconvenience and may be effective for “source control” to reduce the risk of nosocomial spread of respiratory viruses. While this is a worthy goal, the latter hypothesis has never been proven. We do not even know the extent of the problem. In addition, proponents fail to consider the harms of forcing everyone to wear a covering over their face in all healthcare facilities. They should consider these seven:
With studies showing falling public confidence in doctors and health care, we cannot afford to continue legacy covid policies that the public sees as irrational and ineffective. It would be sensible for public health officials to throw in the towel on the face rags and focus on more important issues.
California counties in the San Francisco Bay Area are reinstating mask mandates in healthcare settings: Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Napa counties have reinstated the mask requirements in fear of seasonal flu. Health officials issued orders requiring individuals to wear face masks in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other healthcare facilities. The mandates become effective Nov. 1, 2024, and will continue through the end of March or April 2025. Although all scientific data has found face masks useless, the anti-science, authoritarian fear porn mandates return. Boycott those counties and do all you can to have those wicked, anti-health public health officials arrested and forever banned from office. You will see more of this, especially in the death cultic “Blue States,” who are zombies in your life.
42. The first sign of dementia can occur as early as ten years before you have any cognitive changes. It takes many years for dementia to develop, and sensory changes that involve the loss of smell and vision often occur well before any other symptoms.
Here are 10 of the most common early signs of dementia:
1. Sensory problems (loss of smell)
2. Sensory problems (vision)
3. Sleeping problems
4. Agitation/Low tolerance to stress
5. Restlessness
6. Aggression
7. Memory issues
8. Emotional drop (depression, anxiety, lack of emotion)
9. Incontinence
10. Constipation
Memory issues can include an inability to recognize the time on a clock, mixing up words, lagging before answering questions, loss of spatial recognition, and lack of focus or concentration.
Chronic inflammation and insulin resistance are often seen in people who have dementia. Insulin resistance deprives the nerve cells of fuel, which is why Alzheimer's is commonly referred to as type 3 diabetes.
Chronic inflammation can be caused by poor diet and consuming refined sugars, starches, and oils. Head trauma, heavy metals, infection, and high blood pressure can also contribute to dementia.
So, what can you do? Here are 12 ways to effectively combat dementia:
1. Exercise
2. Have good sleep habits
3. Get on the Healthy Keto Diet
4. Do intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting
5. Increase omega-3 fatty acids
6. Increase intake of B vitamins
7. Increase vitamin D and K
8. Try using a sauna
9. Take resveratrol and NAD
10. Consume probiotics
11. Try cold therapy
12. Avoid all vaccines which are a total scam, fraudulent, and criminal. You should have ZERO confidence in vaccines.
43. Create your own WELLNESS CRISIS! Get and stay HEALTHY. Fire your doctors who wear face masks, are themselves fat, sickly, not physically fit, and only prescribe unnecessary invasive diagnostic tests and surgeries, drugs, and vaccines. By the way, Pfizer has been in business for 175 years and has NOT cured one single disease and never will! Your good health, along with enough of us, will help to shut down scam hospitals and clinics that rely on sickness profit, unnecessary surgeries, killer vaccines, evil abortions, and unproven drugs that never cure anything but instead cover up symptoms and do great harm with lifelong tragedies. Do not trust the FDA, the WHO, the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the government, the academic system, and politicians for your good health. They create a perfect crime. Create the scare and supply a profitable drug and vaccine "remedy." Who cares if the drug or vaccine kills? They don't because they think we can do nothing about it. But we can by never going along with their evil fear tactics. You and I are going to die, so it is best for us to "wear out" rather than to "rust out" under their "care." Therefore it is critical for us to maintain as good of health as we naturally can until God calls us Home.
44. Children’s Health Defense’s The Defender has a blockbuster report(link in footnote): 55 unlisted chemicals in Covid vaccines!
“A group of Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements—not listed on package inserts—in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study published last week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.”
“The chemical elements include 11 heavy metals—such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper—which scientists consider systemic toxicants known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.”
ARSENIC in the vaccines? How does that happen? I can’t see how a vaccine assembly line would be accidentally contaminated with arsenic, from other prior uses.
There are extremely important further statements in the Defender article. For example: “The research builds on a series of studies conducted since 2021 using different analytic techniques to analyze COVID-19 vaccine vials from major manufacturers. Previous studies also identified significant numbers of chemical elements not listed on vaccine labels.”
“Research efforts included a 2022 study by a German working group, including the late pathologist Arne Burkhardt, submitted to the German government; a 2021 study by scientists in England; a 2022 study by Canadian Dr. Daniel Nagase; and a 2023 Romanian study by Dr. Geanina Hagimă.”
These previous studies, which yielded results similar to the findings of the latest Argentine group, flew under the radar.
There is no doubt that toxic chemicals in COVID vaccines is an URGENT issue which needs to be widely known and investigated further—after the vaccinations are halted immediately.
Of course, for a number of reasons I and others have explained for years, the vaccines should never have been launched in the first place.
Warp Speed was one of Trump’s gross exaggerations. It was a lethal project from the beginning. Trump would prefer it to be buried as ancient history. He still claims the kill shot “saved millions of lives.”
Trump’s interim President—he stood aside and let Fauci run the country—eventually made sure the vaccine was mandated.
And now the evidence is pointing to many unannounced toxic chemicals present in the injections.
Apparently, the criminal FDA never checked for them before approving the vaccine.
The agency preferred to look the other way and trust its valued partners—the pharmaceutical industry—a long-standing collaboration of death. Article written by Jon Rappoport (Jon Rappoport | Substack)
Baby Boomer Fun